Hoverboard Website

Hoverboard Revolution – Launching a Cutting-Edge Brand Experience


In 2016, hoverboards are a revolutionary new transportation and recreation trend. However, the market is flooded with generic products and lacks a clear brand leader. Hoverboard has a business idea and a CAD drawing. We created all of their brand strategy, brand identity and UI/UX design of the website to achieve the following goals:

  • Establish brand identity: Differentiate Hoverboard from competitors and solidify its position as a leader in the hoverboard industry.
  • Educate and excite users: Provide users with clear information about hoverboards, their features, and potential uses, while fostering excitement and a desire to own one.
  • Drive sales and engagement: Craft a user-friendly platform that facilitates online purchases and encourages user engagement with the brand.

Hoverboard website

Research and User Understanding:

To achieve these goals, various user research methods were employed:

  • Competitive Analysis: Analyzed existing hoverboard brand websites to understand their strengths and weaknesses in user experience and brand communication.
  • Trend Research: Explored current user preferences and expectations for e-commerce platforms targeting tech-savvy audiences interested in emerging technologies.
  • User Interviews and Surveys: Gathered insights directly from potential hoverboard riders, understanding their needs, concerns, and preferred user experience.

Hoverboard website


Based on the research, these user personas were developed:

  • The Tech Early Adopter: Craves the latest technology and seeks detailed information about features and functionalities.
  • The Adventurous Explorer: Excited by the potential of hoverboards for recreation and alternative transportation.
  • The Safety-Conscious Parent: Concerned about potential safety risks and seeks information on responsible riding practices.

Hoverboard website

User Pain Points:

Through research, some common user pain points have been identified:

  1. Limited understanding of hoverboards: Many users lacked basic knowledge about hoverboard functionalities, safety features, and responsible use.
  2. Difficulty comparing products: Existing websites offered limited information or lacked intuitive comparison tools, making informed purchase decisions challenging.
  3. Concerns about safety: Unclear information about safety certifications and responsible riding practices created apprehension among some potential users.

Hoverboard website

User Stories:

As a Tech Early Adopter, I want to explore different hoverboard models, compare their features, and learn about the latest advancements in hoverboard technology.

As an Adventurous Explorer, I want to visualize myself using a hoverboard and discover exciting ways to integrate it into my lifestyle.

As a Safety-Conscious Parent, I need clear information about safety certifications, recommended safety gear, and responsible riding practices before allowing my child to use a hoverboard.

Hoverboard website


I designed a user-friendly and visually appealing website that addressed these pain points:

Compelling Brand Identity: A distinct brand identity was established through a modern design aesthetic, clear messaging, and high-quality visuals showcasing the excitement and potential of hoverboards.

Interactive Product Exploration: An interactive product catalog allowed users to easily compare different models, explore features through detailed descriptions and engaging videos, and visualize themselves using the product.

Safety and Education Hub: A dedicated section provided comprehensive information about safety certifications, responsible riding practices, and safety gear recommendations, addressing user concerns and fostering trust.

Hoverboard website

The website received positive feedback from users, praising its informative content, engaging visuals, and user-friendly interface. The website successfully established brand identity, educated users about hoverboards, and facilitated sales.

Hoverboard website