Far from being a waste of time, good Branding and Brand Strategy identifies and targets your best customers and brings…

Branding Is Your Foundation - Why It's A Mistake To Ignore It
When we buy a house, we don’t buy only the walls and roof, although that’s what we see first. When…

Projects Portfolio now LIVE on BRNDVENTURE!
I could see the lights beginning to turn on as we sat across from each other and I showed him…

Be Social on Social Media - and How to Avoid the Top 3 Social Media Mistakes
“Be social on your social media” is what I said. They said “I’m going to have to quote you on…

Virtual Operations, Co-Working Space, and What It Means
The world is changing. Once upon a time, business required suits and ties and now it’s not uncommon to see…

Social Media Drives Sales, Pt 2
What is your social media strategy (do you have a social media strategy?). We previously covered how social media drives…